When Sport Meets Business
3 contributors - Paperback
Ulrik Wagner, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark where he is also coordinating the BA program in Sport and Event Management offered at the Slagelse Campus. Ulrik is affiliated with the research team Markets, Organization and Behaviour, and he is a member of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM). He has been working with research on organizational changes related to international anti-doping efforts and sport scandals, and he is currently involved in several projects that focus on sponsorships from an organizational sociology and critical management perspective. His work has been published in journals like European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Management Review, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, International Journal of Sport Communication and International Journal of Drug Policy. Rasmus K. Storm (PhD) holds a position as head of research at the Danish Institute for Sports Studies. He has managed several research projects on Danish elite sport, edited and co-edited four books on sport, and has published in a variety of international sport science and sport management journals such as European Sport Management Quarterly, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, and Soccer & Society. He is regularly interviewed in the Danish media, and gives a large number of public lectures. Furthermore, he writes regularly in Danish newspapers. Klaus Nielsen is Professor of Institutional Economics at the Department of Management, Birkbeck, University of London where he is a member of Birkbeck Sport Business Centre. He teaches research methods, innovation, business in the European Union and economics of sport. His current research areas include varieties of capitalism, innovation, social capital, elite sports and the economics of sports. He has coordinated several research project about Danish elite sports, sports participation and economic aspects of sport. His work has been published in several books and in journals like International Studies of Management and Organization, Journal of Economic Issues and European Sport Management Quarterly.