Tyler Tapps Editor

Tyler Tapps, PhD, is an associate professor and assistant director for health sciences at Northwest Missouri State University, where he currently serves as a fellow for institutional strategy. He received his PhD in health, leisure, and human performance from Oklahoma State University in 2009. In 2015, he was certified as a park and recreation professional by the National Recreation and Park Association, from which he also received the Robert W. Crawford Young Professional Award. Tapps is a military veteran with recreation programming experience in the military. He is a past president of the Leisure Educators section of the Missouri Park and Recreation Association.

Mary Sara Wells, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of parks, recreation, and tourism at the University of Utah, where she serves as the director of undergraduate studies. She teaches courses in youth development, community recreation, and sport management and has been a member of The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS), the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), and Society of Park and Recreation Educators (SPRE) since 2004. Wells has researched issues of sporting conduct in youth sport. She has published her research in numerous journals, presented at several national and international conferences, and conducted trainings and evaluations for multiple municipal youth sport agencies across the country.

Mary Parr, PhD, is a professor of recreation, park, and tourism management at Kent State University. She has received meritorious awards in teaching and service and in research and scholarly activity. Since 1987, Parr has been a member of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), where she served as chair of the Education Network (2017-2021). For over 25 years she was a member of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators (SPRE), where she served as a board member from 2007 to 2010. Parr is a member of The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS) and served as president in 2017. She also received the TALS Excellence in Teaching Award in 2017.