Dynamical Scale Transform In Tropical Geometry
Tsuyoshi Kato - Hardback
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Mitsuru OSAKI, Ph, D (Japan)
He was Professor at the Research Faculty of Agriculture and the Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, from 2006 to 2017. He is Professor Emeritus at Hokkaido University, President of the Japan Peatland Society. and the President of NPO FutureForest Institute, Japan. He trained as a plant physiologist and soil scientist and obtained his doctorate degree from the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, in 1981.Tsuyoshi Kato (Japan)
He is a deputy divisional manager of the Environment and Resource Division, at Sumitomo Forestry Co, Ltd, Japan. He studied forest ecology at Kyoto University, conducting a five-year field research to understand the recovery process after commercial logging of a tropical forest in the Jambi district of Sumatra, Indonesia. From 2010 to 2022 he managed two forest plantations on peatlands, and conducted field studies in West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Albertus Sulaiman (Indonesia) He received BS in Meteorology and PhD in Theoretical Physics, the Bandung Institute of Technology. His research interest on environmental monitoring and modelling in tropical peatland, nonlinear atmospheric and ocean phenomena especially in the equatorial region. He is currently Head of the Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN, Indonesia).