Chalcogen-nitrogen Chemistry: From Fundamentals To Applications In Biological, Physical And Materials Sciences (Updated Edition)
2 authors - Hardback
Professor Tristram Chivers has 40 years experience in the chemistry of inorganic ring systems, with an emphasis on groups 15 and 16. He is the author of a recent book (2005) entitled "A Guide to Chalcogen-Nitrogen Chemistry" (World Scientific/Imperial College Press) and has published approximately 350 articles in refereed journals, 21 book chapters and 23 review articles in the area of main group inorganic chemistry Professor Ian Manners has more than 20 years experience in the chemistry of inorganic rings systems and polymers of p-block elements, primarily groups 13-15. He is the author of one monograph entitled "Synthetic Metal-Containing Polymers" and has served as editor of two other books. He has published more than 350 articles in refereed journals, as well as numerous book chapters and review articles on inorganic rings and polymers. Both authors are recipients of numerous awards for research in this area including the Royal Society of Chemistry award for Main Group Chemistry (Chivers-1993, Manners-2006) and the Alcan Award (for Inorganic Chemistry) of the Canadian Society for Chemistry (Chivers-1987, Manners-2005). Professor Manners has also received the Corday-Morgan Medal (1997) from the U.K., an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1994) from the U.S.A, the Steacie Prize (2000) from Canada, and the Polymer Science Award (2003) from the Chemical Institute of Canada. Professor Chivers received the E. W. R. Steacie award from the Canadian Society for Chemistry in 2001 and was honoured by the publication of a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry in 2002. Professor Manners and Chivers have been engaged in collaborative research in the area of inorganic rings and polymers since 1997.