Bipolar Disorder
4 authors - Paperback
.Robert Reiser, PhD, is a cognitive behavioraltherapist in private practicefocusing on treatment of individualsand families with serious mental illnessand a Fellow of the Academy ofCognitive Therapy. He supervisesgraduate clinicians in training, teachesclasses in cognitive behavioral therapy,and provides workshops, consultation,and technical assistance related toimprovements in the treatment of bipolardisorder in community mentalhealth settings.Larry W. Thompson, PhD, received hisdoctorate from Florida State Universityin 1961. Since then he has held therank of Professor at three universities,Duke University, University of SouthernCalifornia, and Stanford University. Dr.Thompson's recent interests have focusedon the problems and issues involvedin transporting evidenced-basedpsychotherapeutic interventions fromthe research laboratory into communitysettings.Sheri L. Johnson, PhD, is a Professorof Psychology at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley and the Director of theCal Mania (CALM) team. She has publishedover 200 manuscripts and fivebooks. Her research has focused onpsychological aspects of bipolar disorderfor the past twenty years withfunding from the National Alliance forResearch in Schizophrenia and Depression(NARSAD) and from the NationalInstitute of Mental Health.Trisha Suppes, MD, PhD, is a Professorat Stanford University in the School ofMedicine Department of Psychiatryand Behavioral Sciences and directorof the Bipolar and Depression ResearchProgram at Palo Alto VeteransAffairs. Her research focuses on improvingdiagnoses, treatment, and bestcare practices for patients with bipolardisorder and depression. Recent workincludes exploring the biological basisof mood disorders and personalizedapproaches to treatment.