Trenace Rose Author

Trenace Rose was introduced to Transcendental Meditation at age 16 which was the beginning of a passionate exploration into various cultural beliefs. She has been active in the Science of Yoga as a spiritual practice, for the last 24 years and it was while reading one of Paramahansa Yogananda's extraordinary passages in his book, The Second Coming of Christ, that a seed for the book, Akashic Alphabet, was planted, blossoming into form through 6 years of research, solitude and ongoing meditation. The authorʼs background includes a university curriculum of English, Modern Drama and Shakespeare courses completed in England and a B.A. Degree from USC. At age 20, she was granted membership to the Screen Actors Guild in Hollywood. During a diverse, freelance writing career, she has been honored with various awards for Lyrics in Songwriting at the Nashville Song Festival and Creative Writing at the Santa Barbara Writers Convention. After serving as a Project Facilitator for the Mindfulness Program at Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolla, her fields of study continued, including the Tao and practice of Qi Qong, Buddhism, Shamanism, Naturopathy, Holistic Medicine, Nutritional Healing, Animal and Marine Mammal Communication, environmental awareness, astral travel, energetic healing modalities and the Hemi-Sync Method. Then came the sacred gift of a true satori, an out-of-body experience with supportive therapists present, that changed her life in a profound way.