Tracy Ireland Editor

Denis Byrne is a professor of archaeology and heritage studies at the Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University. With a focus on Asia and Australia, he works across the fields of the archaeology of the contemporary past, critical heritage studies and the environmental humanities.

Bethaney Turner is a researcher who explores the multispecies relationships between people, place and the environment (more-than-human), concentrating on how best to build the resilience and capacity of communities to enact more sustainable futures in a time of climate change. She has particular expertise in local food systems (including community food production, food rescue and food waste management) and understanding the impacts of everyday food interactions on human and planetary health and wellbeing.

Tracy Ireland is an archaeologist and community-focussed heritage practitioner and academic, and Professor of Cultural Heritage at the University of Canberra. Tracy has published widely on heritage management and heritage studies, particularly in areas such as the social value of heritage, heritage ethics, Indigenous historic heritage and archaeological sites conservation.