Townsand Price-Spratlen Author

Townsand Price-Spratlen (PhD, University of Washington) is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at The Ohio State University. He has been a member of Reconstruction, Inc. since the organization began, and now serves on the Advisory Board. His research explores relationships between faith, social justice, and community capacity building outcomes.
William Goldsby was born in Selma, Alabama during the Jim Crow era. Before and during his two military tours, he was convicted of two violent offenses. He earned his BA at Western Washington University from the School of Education and Human Services, and served in the Peace Corps in Central America as a nutritionist and youth developer. After returning to the U.S. he served on the Pennsylvania Future Commission and the board of Pennsylvania Prison Society, and was one of the conveners of Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty. He is a program designer for social issues, professional technician for situation management, and is the current Chair of Reconstruction, Inc.