Tony Rousmaniere Author & Editor

Rhonda Goldman, PhD, is a clinical psychology professor at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Illinois and an affiliate psychotherapist at the Family Institute at Northwestern University, where she practices emotion-focused therapy (EFT) for individuals and couples. She has authored or edited multiple books on EFT with APA, including Clinical Handbook of Emotion-Focused Therapy (2018) and Case Formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy (2014), the latter of which has a companion instructional video by the same title. She received the 2001 Carmi Harari Early Career Award from APA Division 32 (Society of Humanistic Psychology). 

Tony Rousmaniere, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist on the Clinical Faculty at the University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in Seattle, where he also maintains a private practice. His research focus is clinical supervision and training for psychotherapists and graduate students. Dr. Rousmaniere's work has been featured in mainstream press outlets like The Atlantic. In 2018, he won the Early Career Award from the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy and the Outstanding Publication of the Year Award for the Cycle of Excellence from APA Divisions 29 and 17, respectively. 

Alexandre Vaz, MSc, is a clinician, professor, and psychotherapy researcher at the University Institute in Lisbon, Portugal. He is the editor of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration's newsletter and program assistant of their international conferences. He hosts a series of online webinars including, the Society for Psychotherapy Research's 'Distinguished Researchers' and founded "Psychotherapy Experts Talk," inviting clinicians and psychotherapy researchers to participate in in-depth interviews.