Five-Star Trails: Flagstaff and Sedona
Tony Padegimas - Paperback
Tony Padegimas is, among many other things, a freelance writer who spends as much time as possible in his hammock slung in some random part of a national forest. His wife, two children, and two dogs join him on occasion but report mixed feelings about whether these endeavors are really worthwhile. The cats have no doubts: They prefer to remain at home in Phoenix. In addition to his wanderings in the wilderness, Padegimas chronicles sports, fitness, historical curiosities, technical theater (his day job), the inside guts of buildings, and other random topics by assignment. From time to time, he writes over-the-top space opera and other strange fiction. His work has appeared in numerous local and regional magazines and in a handful of national publications. This is his second book for Menasha Ridge Press: Five-Star Trails: Flagstaff & Sedona follows Day & Overnight Hikes: Tonto National Forest, published in 2008.