Tomoko Kubo Editor & Author

Tomoko Kubo is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences of the University of Tsukuba, Japan. She is an urban geographer working in the field of housing studies. She is currently the Chair of the Urban Geography Commission’s Young Scholar (YS) Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU) after winning its 2012 YS Paper competition, and a board member of the Research Committee on Housing and the Built Environment (RC43) of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Her research interests include urbanization and the housing market, urban and housing policy, residential choices under socioeconomic changes, single women’s homeownership, shrinking cities and their revitalization, and aging suburbs in Japan.

Yoshimichi Yui is a Professor at the Graduate School of Education of Hiroshima University, Japan. He is currently a board member of the UNESCO Associated School Project University Network. His research interests include housing studies in geography, urban geography, aging, town planning, welfare, gender, childcare, revitalizing housing estates, and geography education.