Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry
4 contributors - Hardback
Tom Dening studied Medicine at Newcastle University and trained in Psychiatry in Cambridge and Oxford. Since 1991 he has been Consultant Psychiatrist in Old Age Psychiatry in Cambridge. From 1999 to 2002 he was seconded part-time to the Department of Health as a Senior Professional Adviser, including work on the National Service Framework for Older People. Since 2002, he has been Medical Director of what is now the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. His interests include the epidemiology of mental disorders in older people, treatment of dementia and depression in older people, psychiatric services and other clinical topics. He is one of the editors of the Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry, the leading international work in this field. He has also published papers on neuropsychiatry, psychiatric symptoms and the history of psychiatry. Dr Alisoun Milne has worked at the University of Kent for fifteen years. She is currently a Reader in Social Gerontology in the University's highly rated School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research. Prior to this she worked in two of the School's research centres: the Personal Social Services Research Unit and the Tizard Centre. Before entering academia she was a social worker and social work manager. Alisoun's key research interests are: mental health in later life, older carers, carers of people with dementia, and marginalised populations of older people including care home residents. She regularly conducts funded research, contributes to the development of guidance materials, and has published widely for academic and practitioner audiences. She is a member of a number of national and local advisory groups, including the Standing Commission on Carers.