Todd Swift Editor & Author

Todd Swift was born in 1966 in Montreal, Canada but is now also British. He is the Director of Eyewear Publishing. Holding a PhD from the UEA, he has had nine full poetry collections of his work published in America, Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland. His tenth, out in his 50th year, is Madness and Love in Maida Vale. His poems have appeared for over 30 years in many international publications, including Blackbox Manifold, The Globe and Mail, Poetry, Poetry Review, Poetry London, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Prism International, The Fiddlehead, Matrix, and Best British Poetry 2014. Kelly Davio is the poetry editor and co-publisher of Tahoma Literary Review, the Senior Poetry Editor of Eyewear Publishing, and the former Managing Editor of The Los Angeles Review. She is the author of the poetry collection Burn This House (Red Hen Press, 2013). A multiple Pushcart nominee, Davio has published poems in journals including Best New Poets, The Cincinnati Review, Gargoyle, Poetry Northwest, and others, and her nonfiction regularly appears in venues like The Toast, The Rumpus, The Nervous Breakdown, and Women's Review of Books. She writes the column 'The Waiting Room' for Change Seven Magazine.