Tineke Meirink Illustrator & Author

Anja Brunt (Author)
Anja Brunt has had over 20 years of experience in the field of design, during which time she has worked with major creative agencies, been featured in large-scale publications, and has created several of her own published works. Based in the Netherlands, where she attended Artez University of Arts), she has focused her work extensively on designing for children.

Her undergraduate work focused on teaching children about 'Time' through the medium of design, with much of her free time also designated to running creative workshops for children. The love stems from her interest in toy design, which has been her continual pursuit within the industry.

Tineke Meirink (Author)
Tineke Meirink is an illustrator who created for BIS Publishers the Can You See What I See Memory Game, in which she gives a whole new meaning to pictures of everyday objects by adding small sketches to them.