Tina Maschi Author & Editor

Dr. Tina Maschi is an associate professor at the Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service in New York City. Dr. Maschi has published extensively on trauma among criminal justice populations and older adults in prison in social work and interdisciplinary journals. Dr. Maschi is the lead editor of the book, Forensic Social Work: Psychosocial and Legal Aspects in Diverse Practice Settings and the lead author of the soon to be released book, Social Worker as Researcher: Integrating Social Work Research with Advocacy that infuses human rights content throughout the course. Recent publications include: Trauma and Stress among Older Adults in the Criminal Justice System and Trauma, Stressful Life Event and Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms: Do Subjective Impressions Matter? She is the founder and director of the Be the Evidence Project which has the purpose of advancing human rights and social justice through public awareness projects, such as marginalized populations, such as aging people in prison, formerly incarcerated LGBT elders with multiple intersectional identifies which include serious mental and physical disabilities (e.g. HIV, schizophrenia), trauma and immigration histories, poverty, racial/ethnic minorities, war veterans.