Tim Vlandas Author

Mark Thatcher is Professor of Politics, Department of Political Science, Luiss University, Rome. He was previously Professor of Comparative and International Politics, London School of Economics. His research interests lie in comparative public policy and regulation in Europe. His current projects include: the governance of markets, competition and industrial policy in Europe; independent regulatory agencies; cultural heritage protection; and the EU and its political identity. He has published in journals such as Socio-Economic Review, European Journal of Political Research, Journal of European Public Policy, and Comparative European Politics. His books include Resilient Liberalism in Europe's Political Economy (CUP co-edited with Vivien Schmidt, 2013) and Internationalisation and Economic Institutions (OUP, 2007). Dr Tim Vlandas is Associate Professor of Comparative Social Policy, a Fellow of St Antony's College, and associate member of Nuffield College, at the University of Oxford. His research has been published in Comparative Political Studies, Socio-Economic Review, Journal of Common Market Studies, Politics & Society, Journal of European Social Policy, European Political Science, European Journal of Industrial Relation, Social Policy & Administration, European Political Science Review, Political Science Research and Methods, European Political Science Review, Work Employment & Society, and Comparative European Politics. He has been awarded research prizes by the European Network for Social Policy Analysis and the American Political Science Association.