Exodus For You
Tim Chester - Paperback
Dr Tim Chester oversees the work of the Northern Training Institute. He is part of the Crowded House, a church planting initiative in Sheffield, UK, and co-director of the Porterbrook Network. He was previously Research and Policy Director for Tearfund and tutor in missiology at Cliff College. He is the author of a number of books including Mission and the Coming of God: Eschatology, the Trinity and Mission in the Theology of Jurgen Moltmann (Paternoster); The Message of Prayer (Inter-Varsity Press), From Creation to New Creation (Paternoster); Good News to the Poor (Inter-Varsity Press), Delighting in the Trinity (Monarch) and The Busy Christians Guide to Busyness (Inter-Varsity Press). He is co-author of The Gospel-Centred Church (The Good Book Co), The World We All Want (Authentic) and Total Church (Inter-Varsity Press) and series editor of The Good Book Guides. His most recent publication is You can change: God's transforming power for our sinful behaviour and negative emotions (Inter-Varsity Press). - Editorial Review.