Challenges to European Education
Thyge Winther-Jensen - Paperback
The Editor: Thyge Winther-Jensen, University of Copenhagen, is docent of Comparative Education, History of Educational Ideas and Adult Education. He also serves as Vice-President of the Comparative Education Society in Europe. The Contributors: Per Ohrgaard, Antonio Novoa, Willy Wielemans, Steven Borish, Hartmut Kaelble, Marie Eliou, Nigel Grant, Jagdish Gundara, Wim Jan Th. Renkema, David Coulby, Wilfried Bos, Jean-Jacques Paul, Sigrid Luchtenberg, Wolfgang Mitter, Rejio Raivola, Maria Slowey, Hanneke Braaksma, Patricia Broadfoot, Gijs Rupert/Martinus Santema, Birte Ravn, Elisabeth Buk-Berge, Shin'ichi Suzuki, Suzanne Majhanovich/Ljubo Majhanovich, Stephen S. Winter, Jerzy J. Smolicz.