Thorsten Teutenberg Author

Thorsten Teutenberg obtained his doctorate from the University of Bochum in 2004. His thesis was on the development of a specially designed heating system for high-temperature liquid chromatography. He subsequently joined the Institut f³r Energie- und Umwelttechnik e. V. in Duisburg where he became responsible for a small working group within the Department of Research Analysis focused on method development strategies for high temperature liquid chromatography. Currently, he heads a number of joint research projects, with partners from university and industry, aimed at implementing high temperature liquid chromatography as a routine method. His special interest is the understanding of the temperature dependence of physicochemical solvent properties of binary liquid mixtures used for reversed phase HPLC. Future research interests include multidimensional liquid chromatography, capillary and nano HPLC as well as systematic optimization strategies for an efficient method development.