Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-Century England Vol 4 7 authors - Hardback £100.00 Find out more
Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-Century England Vol 2 7 authors - Hardback £100.00 Find out more
Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-Century England Vol 5 7 authors - Hardback £100.00 Find out more
Practical Directions for the Management of Honey Bees, Upon an Improved and Humane Plan, by Which the Lives of Bees May Be Preserved, and Abundance of Honey of a Superior Quality May Be Obtained 2 authors - Paperback £16.95 Find out more
Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-Century England Vol 1 7 authors - Hardback £100.00 Find out more
Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-Century England Vol 3 7 authors - Hardback £100.00 Find out more