Thomas Mandl Editor & Author

Ashok Kumar is a professor in the Department of EEE, PSG of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. He received 26 awards for his PhD project on wearable electronics at National and International levels. He created eight Centres of Excellence at PSG in collaboration with government agencies and industries such as the Centre for Audio Visual Speech Recognition and the Centre for Excellence in Solar Thermal Systems. 23 out of 27 of his products have been technologically transferred to government funding agencies.


D. Karthika Renuka is a professor at PSG of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. Her main areas of study focus on data mining, evolutionary algorithms, and machine learning. She is a recipient of the Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM. She has organized two international conferences on The Innovation of Computing Techniques and Information Processing and Remote Computing.


Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland. His studies focus on multimodal machine learning, abusive/offensive language detection, and bias in natural language processing tasks. Most of his published works have been in journal papers and multiple conference papers. Along with being an editorial board member for computer speech & language, he received the Best Application Paper Award at DSAA in 2020.


Thomas Mandl is a professor of Information Science and Language Technology, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany. He received his doctorate and post-doctorate degree from the University of Hildesheim. His research interests include information retrieval, human-computer interaction, and the internationalization of information technology. He has been the coordinator for the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum and HASOC track on hate speech detection.