Cultural Borders of Europe
4 contributors - Paperback
Kristian Kristiansen is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Gothenburg. He is the author of Europe Before History (Cambridge, 1998), Social Transformations in Archaeology (with Michael Rowlands,1998) and The Rise of Bronze Age Society (with Thomas B. Larsson, Cambridge, 2005), which was awarded best scholarly book in 2007 by the Society of American Archaeology. He received the Prehistoric Society's Europa Prize in 2013, and the British Academy's Graham Clark Medal in 2016. Thomas Lindkvist is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Gothenburg. He has written on a number of aspects of medieval society, including agrarian, political, and economic history, in Scandinavia. Janken Myrdal has been Professor of Agrarian History at the Swedish University of Agricultural sciences, and is now affiliated with the department of Economic History at the University of Stockholm. He has written on medieval cultural history and agrarian history in general.