Immanuel Kant
2 contributors - Paperback
Adam Cureton, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Tennessee, works primarily on ethics, Kant, and disability. He co-edited (with Kimberley Brownlee) Disability and Disadvantage (2009) and he is currently co-editing (with David Wasserman) the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. He is the President of the Society for Philosophy and Disability. Thomas E. Hill, Jr., Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is author of essays in moral and political philosophy collected in Autonomy and Self-Respect (1991), Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant's Moral Theory (1992), Respect, Pluralism, and Justice (2000), Human Welfare and Moral Worth (2002), and Virtue, Rules, and Justice (2012).