Religious Schools in America (1986)
3 contributors - Hardback
James C. Carper is Professor of Social Foundations of Education at the University of South Carolina, where he has been a faculty member since 1989. His research interests include the history of American education, education and religion, and private schools. He has published in numerous journals, including Journal of Church and State, Kansas History, History of Education Quarterly, Educational Leadership, Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, Kappa Delta Pi Record, Educational Forum, and Educational Policy. The Dissenting Tradition in American Education (with Thomas C. Hunt) is his most recent book.
Thomas C. Hunt is Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Dayton, where he was named Fellow in the Center for Catholic Education in 2007. In 2002, the University of Dayton bestowed upon him its Alumni Scholarship Award. He was previously a faculty member at Virginia Tech where he served in numerous leadership positions and received awards for teaching, research, and service, most notably, the most prestigious teaching award given by Virginia Tech. He has authored or edited sixteen books in the last twenty-three years, all but one on religion and education, with a majority of those on Catholic education. He served as co-editor of Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, the only refereed journal on Catholic schools in the nation, from 1998 until 2008, and is a past-President of the Associates for Research on Private Education, a special interest group of the American Educational Research Association.