Thomas Bressoud Author

Thomas Bressoud is Associate Professor in computer science and data analytics at Denison University, where he has been since 2002.  Dr. Bressoud worked outside of academia both before and after completing his MS and PhD degrees from Cornell University in 1996, including seven years at MIT Lincoln Laboratory working in real-time radar systems.  After his Ph.D., Dr. Bressoud worked for the startup Isis Distributed Systems and, through the acquisition frenzy of the 90’s, was working for Lucent Technologies when he transferred to their research arm, Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ.  In both teaching and research, Bressoud’s focus is in the systems area of computer science, specializing in high performance data systems, parallel systems, and in fault tolerance.

David White is Associate Professor in computer science, data analytics, and mathematics at Denison University. After his undergraduate degree at Bowdoin College, David carried out applied data analysis work for the Department of Defense. He went on to earn his MS in computer science, and PhD in mathematics from Wesleyan University in 2014. His research has resulted in over fifteen publications in mathematics, applied statistics, computer science, economics, and data science. In addition to publications on data science pedagogy, and a chapter for the book Data Science for Mathematicians, he has applied data science techniques to carry out research related to the opioid epidemic, gun violence, and biomedical treatments.