![Explorations in South-West Africa. Being an account of a journey in ... 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch Bay, on the western coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. [With a preface by M. A. Baines, and maps and plates.] cover](https://cdn.theportobellobookshop.com/img/9781241513238.jpg?p=search)
Explorations in South-West Africa. Being an account of a journey in ... 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch Bay, on the western coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. [With a preface by M. A. Baines, and maps and plates.]
2 authors - Paperback
Thomas Baines was born in 1822 in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, where his father was a sea captain. Baines died of dysentery in Durban, South Africa, in 1875.