Climate Change Ethics for an Endangered World
Thom Brooks - Paperback
Thom Brooks is Reader in Political and Legal Philosophy at the University of Newcastle. He is the author of Hegel's Political Philosophy: A Systematic Reading of the Philosophy of Right (Edinburgh UP, 2007), Punishment (Routledge, 2008), Global Justice (Blackwell, forthcoming), and more than thirty articles in political and moral philosophy in journals, such as Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain, Georgia State University Law Review, History of Political Thought, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Journal of Social Philosophy, Philosophy, Ratio, Rutgers Law Record, Utilitas, and several others. Brooks is editor of the Journal of Moral Philosophy and several books, including Rousseau and Law (Ashgate, 2005), The Legacy of John Rawls (with Fabian Freyenhagen, 2005, 2nd ed 2007), Locke and Law (Ashgate, 2007), The Global Justice Reader (Blackwell, 2008), and Hegel's Political Philosophy (Blackwell, forthcoming). He is an elected member of the American Philosophical Association's Committee on Philosophy and Law, the Hegel Society of Great Britain's Council, and the executive board of the Political Studies Association.