Social Justice and the Experience of Emotion
3 authors - Paperback
Russell Cropanzano is the Brien Lesk Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management. Dr. Cropanzano’s primary research areas include perceptions of organizational justice as well as on the experience and impact of workplace emotion. He has edited four books and published over 100 scholarly papers. In addition, he is a co-author (with Robert Folger) of the book Organizational Justice and Human Resources Management, which won the 1998 Book Award from the International Association of Conflict Management. Dr. Cropanzano was also a winner of the 2000 Outstanding Paper Award from the Consulting Psychology Journal, as well as the 2007 Best Paper Award from Academy of Management Perspectives. He is a past editor of the Journal of Management, and a fellow in the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology and the Association for Psychological Science. Jordan Stein is a senior doctoral student at the University of Arizona in the Eller College of Management. Her research examines justice, emotions, discrimination, and related issues. Her work has been published in many top academic outlets, including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, and Business Ethics Quarterly, to name a few. Thierry Nadisic is an assistant professor of organizational behavior at EMLYON business school, France. He completed his Ph.D. in management at HEC School of Management in Paris, France. He won the 2009 prize of the dissertation of the year from the HEC Foundation. Dr. Nadisic conducts research on topics relating to organizational justice. His research has appeared in international conferences, and in French and American book chapters and academic journals.