THG Megson Author

Professor Curtis is former professor and department chair of Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is a licensed professional engineer and is the author of two textbooks (Orbital Mechanics 3e, Elsevier 2013, and Fundamentals of Aircraft Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill 1997). His research specialties include continuum mechanics, structures, dynamics, and orbital mechanics. Dr. Antonio Filippone is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. After graduating Michael Cook joined Elliott Flight Automation as a Systems Engineer and contributed flight control systems design to several major projects. Later he joined the College of Aeronautics to research and teach flight dynamics, experimental flight mechanics and flight control. Previously leader of the Dynamics, Simulation and Control Research Group he is now retired and continues to provide part time support. In 2003 the Group was recognised as the Preferred Academic Capability Partner for Flight Dynamics by BAE SYSTEMS and in 2007 he received a Chairman’s Bronze award for his contribution to a joint UAV research programme. T.H.G. Megson is a professor emeritus with the Department of Civil Engineering at Leeds University (UK). For Elsevier he has written the market leading Butterworth Heinemann textbooks Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students and Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis (a briefer derivative of the aircraft structures book), as well as the text/ref hybrid Structural and Stress Analysis. Mike Tooley is a technical author and consultant. He was formerly Vice Principal at Brooklands College in Surrey, England, where he was responsible for the delivery of learning to over 10,000 Further and Higher Education students increasingly by flexible, open and on-line distance learning. Mike is the well-known author of several popular engineering and related text books, including widely adopted course texts for BTEC, GCE A-level and GCSE qualifications in Engineering. Mike's hobbies include astronomy, amateur radio, aviation, computing and electronic circuit design and construction. Previously Director of the Italian RAI-ENAC Type Certification Division 1992-2000. Also a member of the JAA Certification Committee. As a member of the JAR 22 and JAR-VLA Study Groups since the 1970s, he had a key role in the creation and development of such standards.Dr. De Florio has been a sailplane and aeroplane pilot for over 25 years and currently remains a member of the OSTIV Sailplane Development Panel and Honorary Member of UVS International. In June 2008, he was awarded the 1st UAS Pioneer Award instituted 'to honour and thank individuals for their exceptional and dedicated services to the international UAS community'. John Watkinson is an independent international consultant in advanced applications of electronics to audiovisual and avionics systems. He is a Fellow of the AES, a member of the Society of Expert Witnesses, and the British Computer Society and is a chartered information systems practitioner. He presents lectures, seminars and training courses worldwide. He is the author of many other Elsevier books, including The Art of DigitalVideo, An Introduction to Digital Video, Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media, Television Fundamentals and The Art of the Helicopter.