Relational and Responsive Inclusion
6 contributors - Paperback
Mere Berryman, PhD (University of Waikato), is an Indigenous woman of the Tuhoe tribe who works as an associate professor at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Currently she is the director of a national secondary school reform initiative, Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success.
Ann Nevin, PhD (educational psychology, University of Minnesota), is professor emerita, Arizona State University. Over a lengthy career span (1969–present) she has authored books, research articles, chapters, and federal and state grants.
Suzanne SooHoo, PhD (Claremont Graduate University), is the endowed Hassinger Chair in Education and the co-director of the Paulo Freire Democratic Project at Chapman University in Orange, California.
Therese Ford is an Indigenous woman of Ngai Takoto who holds a Masters of Education in Educational Leadership and is currently working to complete her PhD at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. Therese is an academic director and professional development facilitator working with school leaders, teachers and communities in a national secondary school reform initiative in New Zealand.