Islam and the West Post 9/11
2 authors - Hardback
Theodore Gabriel is Associate Senior Lecturer and Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Gloucestershire. He was born and had his early education in Kerala. After obtaining a postgradute degree in Sociology and Anthropology at Shivaji University, Maharashtra, he did research work at the University of Aberdeen leading to his MLitt and PhD degrees in Comparative Religion. He is the author of Lakshadweep, History, Religion and Society (New Delhi, Books and Books, 1989), Hindu-Muslim Relations in North Malabar 1498-1947 (E. Mellen Press, 1996), Hindu and Muslim Inter-Religious Relations in Malaysia (E. Mellen Press, 2000) and the co-editor of Mysticisms, East and West: Studies in Mystical Experience (Paternoster Press, 2003). His research interests are in Islam in South and south East Asia, Hinduism in South India, Inter-Faith Relations and Tribal Religions.