The Rev Peter Wallace Author

The Rev. Peter Wallace is the host and executive producer of Day1, an acclaimed ecumenical radio ministry (formerly called The Protestant Hour) distributed to more than two hundred stations nationwide and in eight countries and available worldwide through podcasts at He is also president of the parent organization, the Alliance for Christian Media, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the author of eight books, including Connected: You and God in the Psalms; Living Loved: Knowing Jesus as the Lover of Your Soul; Out of the Quiet: Responding to God's Whispered Invitations; Psalms for Today; TruthQuest Devotional Journal; and the devotional trilogy What Jesus Is Saying to You Today, What the Psalmist Is Saying to You Today, and What God Is Saying to You Today. He has contributed to many books, study Bibles, lectionary resources, devotional guides, magazines, teaching curricula, and websites. He is the writer and host of a series of twenty-six video webisodes titled "What Is God Saying to You Today?" An Atlanta resident, Wallace is a postulant for holy orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. He maintains a website at and blogs on,,, Facebook, and other sites. On Twitter he is @pwallace.