Theatres of Accumulation
2 authors - Paperback
T.G. McGee (editor) is Director, Institute of AsianResearch, and Professor, Department of Geography, University of BritishColumbia. He has carried out extensive research on urbanisation in Asiaover the last 40 years. He is the author of The Southeast AsianCity (1967), Third World Urbanization (1971), andtogether with Warwick Armstrong Theatres of Accumulation(1985). More recently, he has co-edited the Extended Metropolis in Asia(1991) and Mega-Urban Regions in Southeast Asia (1995). RayWatters (editor) was Professor of Geography, VictoriaUniversity of Wellington, and specialised in development and socialchange in peasant and tribal societies in Latin America and the SouthPacific. He recently worked in Guizhou, southwest China. Among hisbooks are Poverty and Peasantry in the Peruvian Andes (1994),Shifting Cultivation in Latin America (1971) and Abemama:Social Change in Kiribati and Tuvalu (1983).