Europe Divided: Huguenot Refugee Art and Culture
Tessa Murdoch - Hardback
Tessa Murdoch, FSA, is an independent scholar. After forty years as curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum and Museum of London she is working with the British Museum on a programme for Britain and Ireland to mark the bicentenary of Catholic Emancipation in 2029. Her work on Huguenot refugee art and culture, Europe Divided: Huguenot Refugee Art and Culture, was published in 2021. Her engagement with inventories was inspired by researching the archives of the dukes of Montagu for Boughton House: The English Versailles (1992); and under her editorship Noble Households: Eighteenth-Century Inventories of Great English Houses was published in 2006; Toby Barnard, FBA, is emeritus fellow in history at Hertford College, University of Oxford. A specialist in the political, social and cultural histories of Ireland and England, c. 1600-1800, his books include: Making the Grand Figure: Lives and Possessions in Ireland, 1641-1770 (2004); and Guide to the Sources for the History of Material Culture in Ireland (2005).