Tess Harris Editor

Margot Gosney qualified in 1983 at the University of Liverpool. She went on to do her postgraduate training and MD in the North West of England. In 1994 she was appointed as senior lecturer in the academic department of Geriatric Medicine and subsequently to the chair of Elderly Care Medicine at the University of Reading in 2003. She has an interest in both undergraduate and postgraduate education, working as a question writer for the MRCP Part 1 and Part 2 as well as examining for PACES. Whilst in Liverpool she was co-director for three years of the undergraduate curriculum. She is external examiner for six undergraduate medical degrees as well as MSc in Gerontology in two universities. She question writes for the General Medical Council and is a member of the Part 1 PLAB panel. Tess Harris qualified from St George's Hospital Medical School in London in 1988 and has been working as a part-time general practitioner since 1994, in London, Oxfordshire and Berkshire. She has an M.Sc. in epidemiology and has been involved for many years in primary care epidemiology research, with a particular focus on older peoples' health and health care use. Her MD is in this research area and she has also published widely in topical journals.