Reengineering Health Care
2 authors - Hardback
Terry McNulty is Senior Lecturer in Organization Behaviour at Leeds University Business School. Previously he was a senior research fellow at Warwick Business School. He has also worked in the National Health Service and for the Institute of Health Services Management. His teaching and research cover processes of organizing and change in public and private sector organizations. His research has been published in leading practitioner and scholarly journals including Organisation Studies, European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations, and Corporate Governance. Ewan Ferlie is Director of Research and Professor of Public Services Management at Imperial College Management School where he has been since 1997. Prior to this he held research posts at the Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent at Canterbury, and was Deputy Director of the Centre for Corporate Strategy and Change at Warwick Business School. He has also been a Non Executive Member on Warwickshire Health Authority (1993-6).