Terrie Rust Editor

Tim Spuck is the STEM Education Development Officer at Associated Universities Inc. Major awards include the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics Educator Achievement Award, Pennsylvania Christa McAuliffe Fellowship, and the Tandy Technology Scholars Award. Tim earned his M.Ed. in Science Education from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, and his Ed.D. Curriculum & Instruction from West Virginia University.

Leigh Jenkins is currently a doctoral candidate in Administrative Leadership at Shenandoah University in northwestern Virginia. Leigh taught biology and environmental science for 18 years in West Virginia. She holds a M.A. in Sociology and an M.A. in Science Curriculum and Instruction. Leigh was awarded the Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship, Japan Fulbright Memorial Teachers Fund Scholarship, and was the 2016 West Virginia Conservation Teacher of the Year.

Terrie Rust is an ITEEA Distinguished Technology Educator. She has contributed globally on STEM education projects, most notably while working in India. Terrie holds M.A. and M.Ed. degrees in education fields, and an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree in Organizational Leadership. Terrie received numerous awards for her teaching programs from ITEEA and ACTEaz. She is currently serving as a STEM consultant in the DC area.

Remy Dou is a clinical assistant professor at Florida International University working on undergraduate and out-of-school STEM education research. Previously, he served at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and at the National Science Foundation as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow. He is also a Worlds Ahead Graduate at Florida International University, received the Jhumki Basu Scholar Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching.