Terra J Rogerson Author

Ryan L. Sittler is an associate professor and the instructional technology/information literacy librarian at California University of Pennsylvania. He received his MSLS from Clarion University of Pennsylvania, MSIT from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, and Ph.D. in Communications Media and Instructional Technology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Sittler has coedited multiple books on both information literacy and Springshare’s LibGuides platform. Among these are The Library Instruction Cookbook (2009), Using LibGuides to Enhance Library Services (2013), and Innovative LibGuides Applications (2016). Dr. Sittler is also part of a team that developed the educational information literacy game ""A Planet in Peril: Plagiarism,"" which won the Caspian Learning 2010 Serious Games Challenge. His current research interests are instructional design in educational games and media effects as they relate to information processing. He also happens to be a huge Doctor Who fan. He can be contacted via email at [email protected] or on Twitter at @RyanLSittler.

Terra J. Rogerson is an instructor of information literacy at Duquesne University. In her past librarian positions in both academic and public libraries, she directed outreach and marketing efforts. She received her MLIS from Florida State University. This is her first formal editing project, and she is excited to work with so many great librarians. Her research interests are primarily in using social media and graphic design to influence library user behavior. She can be contacted at [email protected].