Ted Whitecalf Author

Sarah Whitecalf (1919-1991) spoke Cree exclusively, spending most of her life at Nakiwacîhk/ Sweetgrass Reserve on the North Saskatchwan River. Her lectures are collected in The Cree Language is Our Identity.

H.C. Wolfart is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Manitoba.

Freda Ahenakew (1932-2011), founding Director of the Saskatchewan Indian Languages Institute, earned her MA in Cree linguistics at the University of Manitoba. In 1997 she was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Saskatchewan. She was made a member of the Order of Canada in 1998.

Ted Whitecalf is Sarah Whitecalf's son and a professional photographer. His Sweet Grass Records/Productions in Saskatoon has been publishing recordings of Indigenous music and photographic books for over twenty-five years.