Decolonising and Indigenising Music Education
4 contributors - Hardback
Te Oti Rakena is an Associate Professor of music, and American-trained New Zealand singer, voice teacher and researcher with indigenous Māori tribal affiliations to Ngāpuhi, Ngati Ruanui and Kāi Tahu.
Clare Hall is a Senior Lecturer in performing arts education in Australia researching diversity and inclusion in the sociology of music and music education.
Anita Prest is Associate Professor of Music Education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction guided by an advisory group, she conducts community-based participatory research to examine the embedding of local Indigenous knowledge, pedagogies, and worldviews in K-12 music classes in British Columbia.
David Johnson is an Associate Professor of music at the Western Norway University for Applied Sciences in Bergen, Norway. He leads the Singing Map of Scandinavia initiative that seeks to promote and sustain Nordic traditional and Indigenous singing cultures through music education.