Taylor Sapp Author & Editor

Andrzej Cirocki is an Associate Professor in English Language Education in the Department of Education at the University of York, UK. He is an Adjunct Professor of TESOL at Universitas Negeri Surabaya and the President of the National Centre for ELT Materials Development in Indonesia. He teaches modules such as TESOL Methods, Teaching and Learning Language, Evaluating TESOL Practice, Curriculum Design, Professional Practice in Education, and Methodology of Teaching English for Academic Purposes. His professional interests include English language teacher education and professional development, reflective teaching, teacher autonomy, teacher self-efficacy, and teaching English as a foreign language. In addition to his authorship of numerous publications, involvement in international research projects (e.g., Indonesia, Japan, Ecuador), and delivery of CPD courses for English language teachers worldwide, he is also the editor-in-chief of The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL.


Raichle Farrelly is an Associate Teaching Professor and Director of the TESOL Program for the Department of Linguistics at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA. She delivers courses on a range of topics, including language teaching methods, teaching L2 oral skills, pedagogical grammar, world language policy, the TESOL practicum, and introductory linguistics. Her professional interests include second language teacher education, reflective teaching, curriculum design, community-engaged learning, and teaching refugee-background adults. In addition to peer-reviewed articles and chapters, Raichle co-authored the book Fostering International Student Success in Higher Education, co-edited Educating Refugee-background Students: Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts, and co-edited the Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms. She also co-founded Project Wezesha, an education-based non-profit that aims to increase access to education for young people in Western Tanzania.


Taylor Sapp has spent nearly 20 years as an educator of ESL students across different universities and private schools in Japan and America. His professional interests include vocational ESL skills education, research-based and creative writing instruction, curriculum design, community-engaged learning, and teaching disadvantaged adults. He has also given numerous presentations at academic conferences as a member of TESOL MWIS leadership. In addition to peer-reviewed articles and chapters, Taylor has authored several award-winning creative education resources, including Stories Without End (a 2019 ELTons finalist), What Would You Do? 81 Philosophical Dilemmas for Discussion and Expansion, and co-authored History’s Mysteries - Research, Discuss and Solve Some of History’s Biggest Puzzles.