Guide to the Natchez Trace Parkway
2 authors - Paperback
Tim Jackson met Taryn while in a creative nonfiction MFA program in 2004, and they have been married since 2009. They live in Northwest Alabama—about 20 miles from the Natchez Trace Parkway—with their two dogs and a rabbit. Both are writers and editors who love to travel and explore. Both love music. They lived in the area of Asheville, North Carolina, for seven years before moving to Alabama in 2018. Taryn Chase Jackson writes grant proposals for nonprofits but has also worked in universities, museums, and educational technology. Her writing has been published in “Southern Living,” “The Roanoke Times,” “The Laurel of Asheville,” New River Voice,” “Chautauquan Daily,” and “Guide to Phone Apps” magazine. Tim and Taryn met at Goucher College where they both earned MFAs in Creative Nonfiction. This is their second co-writing effort. The first, “Images of America: Weaverville,” was a pictorial history of a North Carolina town near Asheville, released by Arcadia Publishing in September 2015. Taryn has also taught workshops on memoir writing and social media for small businesses. She enjoys singing with the Shoals Chamber Singers, making mixed media art, and shopping at estate sales.