The Faltering State
Tariq Khosa - Hardback
Tariq Khosa graduated from the National Defence University, Islamabad. He completed his Masters in Defence and Strategic Studies in 2005 and was a Hubert Humphrey Fellow under the Fulbright Exchange Program at the Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle in 1987-88. The author began his career in public service in 1973 and has since remained involved in law enforcement. He had the distinction of serving as the Police Chief of Balochistan in 2007 and brought the entire province under police jurisdiction. His assignment as Federal Secretary of Narcotics Control Division (2010-11) placed him at the pinnacle of government service in Pakistan. Moreover, he was co-chair of the Governance Committee of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Country Programme (2010-14). He also served as Director General Federal Investigation Agency in 2009.