Tara Nurin Author

Tara Nurin is the beer and spirits contributor to Forbes and an adjunct Beer 101 instructor at Wilmington University. The former major-market TV news reporter hasbeen the Libationscolumnist for New Jersey Monthly, the women-in-beer columnist for Ale Street News, and the cohost of the What's on Tapweekly beer TV show. Her work has been published in more than fifty newspapers, magazines, and digital platforms such as Food + Wine, USA Today, and Wine Enthusiast. She is certified by the Beer Judge Certification Program and serves as a frequent expert and host in the media and in educationalprogramming. She lives outside of Philadelphia,PA.Teri Fahrendorfis an Americanbrewerand founder of thePink Boots Society, an organization that supports women in the brewing industry. She is notable for being one of the first women in thecraft brewingindustry and her brews have been widely awarded from organizations such asGreat American Beer Festivaland theBrewer's Association.