Tanri Abeng Author

Dr. Peter Verhezen is a professor of strategy and corporate governance at the University of Antwerp and AMS (Belgium), and advises boards on governance and risk. He was a former Associate Professor for global corporate governance at the University of Melbourne and Adjunct Professor at MBS (Australia), and a Fellow for Governance at the Harvard Kennedy School (USA). He worked as senior consultant for corporate governance at IFC–World Bank in Asia Pacific, and as a debt negotiator-advisor for IBRA-IMF during the ‘Asian crisis’. He co-founded and ran an IBM spin-off software company, Cimad Pacific, in the early nineties for more than fifteen years in Southeast Asia before it was acquired by another international consultancy. Dr. Tanri Abeng is a former CEO of Heineken Indonesia (Bintang), and was the first minister of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia during the Asian crisis in the late nineties. He has served as an elected member of People's Consultative Assembly, and was the board’s chairman of the state-owned telco company, PT Telkom, and the state owned gas- and oil company, PT Pertamina. He has been a CEO and advisor of a Indonesian family controlled conglomerate. Today he chairs the board of state-owned Bio Farma in Indonesia. He is also the rector of Tanri Abeng University and the Executive Center for Global Leadership in Jakarta-Indonesia.