Recent Advances in Structural Engineering and Construction Management
4 contributors - Hardback
Dr. KONG Kian Hau is currently Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Since 2006, Dr. Kong is also a practicing qualified engineer who specializes in Buildings and Infrastructure Projects (including Bridges). He is Chartered Structural Engineer with IStructE(UK) and International Professional Engineer (UK) with the Engineering Council having 13 years of experience as Site and Resident Engineer, Senior Design and Project Engineer, Design and Project Manager, Associate (Team Leader) and Senior Associate Consultant for many residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, infrastructure and civil engineering master planning works in Singapore and Overseas. Since 2018 to present, Dr. Kong is Principal Investigator of Research Projects, “Characterization of Ultra-High Performance Cementitious Materials and Optimization of Their Gel Transition Period at High Temperature / Pressure for Applications in Plug and Abandonment of Oil Wells” and “Development of Sustainable Self-Healing Concrete By Use of Recycled Materials” funded by the Singapore Maritime Institute and Ministry of Education Singapore, respectively. He has published 21 papers in respected international journals and conferences.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta is working at present as Dean (Academics and Research) and full Professor of Civil Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (H.P) India. He has more than 35 years of teaching experience. His research includes testing and modeling of geotechnical materials, FEM and its applications to geotechnical engineering and continuum damage mechanics and its application to rockfill materials modeling. He is the founding chairman of Indian Geotechnical Society Shimla Chapter. He has authored 3 books and 16 book chapters. He has published more than 120 papers in journals of international repute. He has completed 6 sponsored research projects and guided 11 PhD students.
Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary is currently working as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore. Before joining IIT Indore, he served as a faculty member in different capacities at MNIT Jaipur. His areas of specialization are structural analysis and design and building materials including waste utilization. His group carries out both analytical and experimental studies. The experimental studies range from microstructure to full-scale. He has served on prestigious committees at the national and international levels and is presently chairing the standing committee (Design) of the Asian Concrete Federation. He has published more than eighty papers in internationally reputed journals and currently holds two patents and one technology transfer in his name.
Dr. Tanmay Gupta is engaged at present as Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering Department, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan (H.P) India. He has published 26 research papers in SCI & Scopus indexed journals, international conferences of repute along with authoring four book chapters. He is also acting as reviewer of many journals of international prestige. His zeal to resolve structural engineering challenges in a practical way imparts him with a charismatic enigma. He also possesses experience as consultant design civil engineer and bridge site inspector. Currently, he is actively involved in the training of Indian government officials in order to bridge the gap between the latest academic standards and practices prevalent in the professional construction world. He is closely working with the Indian Green Building Council and Himachal Govt to promote sustainable construction and measures to mitigate natural disasters.