Tania Lombrozo Editor

Tania Lombrozo is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research combines methods and insights from philosophy and psychology to address questions about explanation and understanding, learning, causal reasoning, conceptual representation, and social cognition. She is also a regular blogger for NPR's 13.7: Cosmos & Culture. Joshua Knobe is a professor at Yale University, appointed both in the Program in Cognitive Science and in the Department of Philosophy. Much of his research is concerned with the impact of moral judgments on people's intuitions about matters that might at first appear to be entirely non-moral in nature. Shaun Nichols is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona. His books include Sentimental Rules (2004), Bound (2014) and, co-authored with Stephen Stich, Mindreading (2003). His current research focuses on the psychological underpinnings of philosophical problems.