Irish Modernisms
3 contributors - Paperback
Paul Fagan is a Senior Scientist at Salzburg University, Austria, President of the International Flann O'Brien Society, and a founding editor of The Journal of Flann O'Brien Studies. Fagan is the co-editor of Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation (Irish Studies in Europe), four books dedicated to Flann O'Brien and serves on the editorial board of the Production Archives special collection. He has published widely on modernism and Irish studies, and is completing a monograph on the Irish literary hoax. John Greaney is a Fulbright-NUI Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is the author of The Distance of Irish Modernism: Memory, Narrative, Representation. His work has been published in Textual Practice, Irish Studies Review and Derrida Today, amongst other venues. Tamara Radak is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Vienna, Austria. Her publications include essays in James Joyce Quarterly, The Review of Irish Studies in Europe, Flann O'Brien: Problems with Authority and European Joyce Studies. She is currently completing a monograph titled No Sense of an Ending? Modernist Aporias of Closure. She is a member of the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History and has been an invited speaker at the Trieste Joyce School and the Vienna Irish Studies and Cultural Theory Summer School.