Tamanpreet Kaur Author

Dr Sohan Singh Walia is working as Director in the School of Organic Farming, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. He started organic farming research as a pioneer work as PhD student (2001-04) and then worked on organic farming and integrated farming systems in All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming Systems and All India Network Project on Organic Farming. Many of his recommendations on organic farming and integrated farming systems have been included in the package of practices for mass adoption by the Punjab farmers. He is also involved in technologies regarding the application of consortium in sugarcane, turmeric, potato, onion, maize, and wheat crops; integrated nutrient management in maize/soybean, and rice residue management for mass-scale adoption under Punjab conditions. He has developed Integrated Farming System Research Model comprising dairy, fishery, horticulture, vegetables, agro-forestry, and vermicomposting.

Dr Walia has to his credit more than 450 research and extension publications, nine books, ten teaching manuals, seven extension folders and 22 book chapters. He has handled 24 research projects and is currently handling five research projects. He has guided four Ph.D and eleven M.Sc. students as a major advisor. He has been involved in teaching numerous courses and has organized training programs and delivered invited lectures and TV and radio talks. He was appreciated for outstanding work on integrated and organic farming during the QRT review and is the recipient of the Best organic farming centre award (2019) by ICAR, Dr M S Randhawa best book award (2017), ISA P. S. Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award (2005) among many others. Dr Walia has acquired advanced training in rice production systems from the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide, South Australia.

Ms Tamanpreet Kaur is working as Senior Research Fellow under a project entitled “All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Integrated Farming Systems” at the School of Organic Farming, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. She holds an M. Sc in Agriculture from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Her keen area of interest is Integrated Farming Systems. She has eight research papers, 13 extension articles, one booklet and three book chapters to her credit.