Tafsir M Johansson Editor

Dr. Angela Carpenter is an Affiliate and External Consultant with the Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development at the University of Gävle, undertaking work in the area of sustainable seaports and port-city collaborations. She also undertakes research on sustainability in EU seaports and sustainable business practices in ports, and on maritime environmental governance and policy.

Dr. Tafsir M. Johansson is an Associate Research Officer at the World Maritime University, Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute. His duties include ocean governance and ocean policy research and teaching, and developing innovative statistical and mathematical models to better assess drivers and indicators relevant to ocean research agenda.
Dr. Jon A. Skinner teaches at the University of Alaska, and is a private contractor and consultant on maritime issues for the World Maritime University. He completed his PhD in 2016 on the strategic impact of Russian energy ambitions int he Arctic, and his long-term research is on geopolitical strategies in Polar regions, particularly from an energy and maritime perspective.